Saturday, February Sat, 2025

10 Profitable Farming Business Ideas in India

,Profitable Farming Business Ideas in India



Profitable Farming Business Ideas in India create opportunities to lift people out of poverty in developing nations. Over 60%  of the world’s working poor work in the agriculture field. Farming business create more jobs and employment opportunities all over the world. 

Agriculture is the primary source of livelihood for about 58% of India, 's population. India's arable land area of 159.7 million hectares (394.6) a million acres is the second largest in the world after the United States. 


The Gross Irrigated crop area of 82.6 million hectares (215.6 million acres) is the largest in the world. China is the country with the largest agricultural land extent (500 million hectares of land) followed by the United States and Australia.


India is one of the largest agricultural product exporters in the world. During 2021-22, the country recorded US $49.6 billion in total agriculture exports. 


According to the Economic Survey of India 2020-2021 GDP contribution by the agriculture sector is likely to be 19.9% in 2020-2021. 

What is farming business:-


A farming business includes farming activities, production, marketing, and management of agricultural commodities like grains, vegetables, fruits and livestock.


Farming Business is an Industry engaged in the production operations of farms, the manufacture and distribution of farm equipment and supplies and the processing, storage and distribution of farm commodities.

Government Facilities to Farming Business: -


Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) comes under the central government scheme; the Indian government provides financial help to the farmers of Rs. 50,000 per hector every three years for organic processing, certification, labelling, packaging and transportation in organic production.


Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY).Insurance protection for food crops, oilseeds and annual horticulture/commercial crops is notified by the state government. 


The uniform maximum premium for all farmers is (i) Kharif Season-2% of the sum Insured and (ii) Rabi Season 1.5% of the sum insured.


What is Organic Farming:-

In India organic farming business ideas are very popular and profitable business ideas among the farmers. Organic products are the best for health. This means that the demand for organic products is increasing. With organic farming, any farmer can earn a good amount of profit.


Organic farming is agriculture that makes healthy food, healthy soil, healthy plants, and healthy environments a priority along with crop productivity.


The most profitable 10 farming business ideas are in India.


1. Grapes Farming Busines:-


Grapes are remunerative crops. Grape cultivation in India is a very profitable business. Fruits are very popular in India. Grapes cultivation is also a very popular farming business in both fresh and processed items.



 Commercially this is a very important fruit all over the world. Grapes account for 16% of world fruit production.


In grapes production, China is the first in Asia. In India, the top Grapes producing states are Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu & Andhra Pradesh.


The Health Benefits of Grapes:- 


1. Grapes contain powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols. It helps slow or prevent many types of cancer, including the oesophagal, lung, mouth, pharynx, prostate & colon.


2. The fibre and potassium in grapes also support heart health.


3. Grapes have high water content.


4. So it keeps you hydrated and your bowel movements regular. It is a high-antioxidant product for eye health. 


5. Grapes are good for skin and hair health.


From farming annually you will get Rs. 2,50,000 to Rs. 3,00,000 per acre of grapes production in India. It is a very profitable farming business idea in India.


2. Pomegranate Farming Business:-


Commercial production starts within 3 years in a pomegranate plantation and it lasts for 30 years. Pomegranate is a high-value crop in the market. It has huge export potential in the market. Pomegranate farming is the best business for the farmers to earn more profits.



Health benefits of Pomegranates:-


1. Pomegranate has anti-oxidant, anti-viral and anti-tumour properties. 


2. It is a good source of vitamins, especially vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, as well as folic acid. 


Globally Egypt, China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Iraq, INDIA & Burma & Saudi Arabia are all important pomegranates growing 



The top exporter of Fresh Pomegranates is Canada -at 10.6% and Thailand at 9.03%.


In India, the state of Maharashtra is the leading state with 82 thousand hectares of land area under pomegranate cultivation, followed by Karnataka and Gujarat with 13.6 thousand hectares and 5.8 thousand hectares of land. 


Andhra Pradesh & Tamil Nadu are the 4th and 5 5th position states in India.

The minimum income per acre even without taking special care is Rs.2 Lacs, which beats the profit from sugarcane. With proper farm management, it can touch Rs.15 Lakh per acre.


3. Capsicum Farming Business:-


Capsicum is important in cooking. The method of growing capsicum is very easy. Farming under a controlled atmosphere brings more yield and profit than the open field.



Generally green, orange, yellow and red are the most common and popular types of capsicum, you can find globally. The colour variety depends on the time of harvest and the degree of ripening.


Globally you will find capsicum farming in most parts. Especially, you can find it in the temperature regions of Central and South America and European countries. You can also find it in tropical and subtropical regions 

of the Asian continent mainly India & China.

Health Benefits of Capsicum:-

Capsicum contains plenty of vitamin C. However, you can find the highest amount of Vitamin C in red verity. These are good sources of Vitamin E. Vitamin E plays a key role in keeping skin and hair beautiful.


Capsicum also helps in activating thermogenesis and increases the metabolic rate. Hence it supports weight loss. In the greenhouse, the crop duration of green and coloured capsicum is about 7-10 months and yields about 80-100 tons per acre. 


Generally, greenhouse farming protects fruits from the air, wind, and high temperatures. Hence it helps to minimize the damage of insect pests and diseases thereby improving the quality of yield.


With a bit of hard work and an understanding of nature, any farmer can earn a minimum of Rs10 Lacs per annum from 1 acre of land.


4. Vegetable & Fruits production farming:-


As per the National Horticulture Database published by the National Horticulture Board, during 2020-21, India produced 102.48 million metric tonnes of fruits and 200.45 million metric tonnes of vegetables.



The vegetable business in India is a profitable business. On average retailers are selling vegetables for more than 48.8% of the wholesale price in the market.


At present, greater than 70% of our population is engaged in Agriculture over an area of 320 million acres. Out of the hardly 1-2% of the total cultivated the area is under vegetable crops. This figure shows how vegetable farming is so important for India.


The vegetable farming business is a profitable business and it is not only for a big farmer. It is also profitable for small and marginal farmers. Small-scale vegetable farming has earning potential throughout the year.


Among the fruits, the country ranks first in the production of Bananas (26.29%), Papayas (43.26%) and Mangoes including mangosteens and guavas (45.14%). There are tremendous opportunities for exports in India. 


West Bengal produced 15.9% country, 's total vegetable production in 2018-19, while UP produced only 14.9%, Madhya Pradesh 9.6%, and Bihar 9% whereas Gujarat only produced 6.8% of the vegetable producer of our country.


If the farmers utilize the water, soil fertilizer and land with 4-5 types of vegetables farmers can earn 8-10 Lacs per annum.


5. Herbal and Medicinal plants:-


Herbs and aromatic plants used for ayurvedic medicines and personal care products sold by companies like Dabur, Himalayan, Natural Remedies, and Patanjali are the main ingredients of this farm earning boom.



Many Herbs like Ateesh, Kuth, Karanja, kapikachha, and shankhapushpi these herbs and aromatic plants mean little to the urban consumer but represent a life-changing income opportunity to some farmers.


Acharya Balkrishna of Patanjali says the company is always ready to help the farmers who cultivate herbs under their company. Industry estimates that the market for herbal products at Rs. 50,000 crores growing at a fast annual clip of 15%growth.


In India mass consumed medical plants like Tulsi, Alea vera, Brahmi, Ashwagandha, Isabgol and Senna generate more profits of more than Rs. 1,00,000 per hectare in a year.


In India of 17000 species of higher plants, 7500 are known for medicinal uses. Cultivation of medicinal plants in a commercial mode is one of the most profitable agribusiness for farmers in INDIA.


If anyone has sufficient land and knowledge of herb marketing, then they can earn a high income with moderate investments.


A farmer growing herb, largely used in ayurvedic medicine, in the higher reaches of Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh may easily get Rs.2-Rs5 Lakh per acre. A lavender farmer may get Rs.1.2 Lakh Rs1.5 Lakh return per acre.     


The top 10 herbs for your Kitchen are Basil, Cilantro, Dill, Mint, Oregano, Parsley, and Rosemary. Most of the farmers in India earn as much as Rs. 3 Lakh per acre by cultivating HEBS.


 6. Horticulture Farming:-


India is currently producing about 320.48 million tonnes of horticulture produce which has surpassed the food grain production, that too from much less area (25.66 million hectares of land) for horticulture against 127.6 million hectares of land.



In India, all sorts of fresh fruits, vegetables, and medicinal plants can be grown in different regions of the nation. In addition, there is also health consciousness among the Indian population.


Despite the challenges in horticulture, gamers can earn a net profit of Rs.1 Lac per acre of land annually if they focus on horticulture production.


There are 4 types of Horticulture:-


1. Olericulture-Which is the production of vegetables.


2. Pomology:-Which is called fruit & nuts culture.


3. Viticulture:-The production of grapes (largely intended for winemaking)


4. Floriculture:-Floriculture the production of flowering and ornamental plants.


The total horticulture production has increased from 212.2 million tonnes in 2007-08 to 311.71 in the year 2018-19. Career-wise both agriculture and horticulture are the best in India. Horticulture is the highest demandable stream in India.

7. Banana Farming:-


Banana is the second most important fruit crop in India next to mango. Bananas are all around availability, variety of range, taste, nutritive and medicinal value making them a favourite fruit among all classes of people.


Banana contributes 37% of total fruit production in India. Bananas occupy 20% area among the total area under crop in India. 



In Banana production, Maharashtra state is the India. Jalgaon is a major growing district in Maharashtra which occupies 50,000 hectares of area under Banana.


By cultivating 1 hectare of land of bananas you can make a profit of about Rs. 8 Lacs per annum.


The highest Banana produces in India are1. Andhra Pradesh 5838.88 mt., Maharashtra is 4628.04, and Gujarat produces 3907.21 mt of bananas in 2021-22.


Nearly a farmer can produce 100mt. of bananas in one hectare of land in India bananas sell between Rs.20-30 per kg. If the average price is Rs. 12 then you can earn Rs12, 00,000 lacs per annum. Around Rs 8, 00,000 will be net profit.

8. Mango Farming:-


Mangoes yield per acre in 1 year 2.5 to 3 mt. (cost is Rs. 2, 70,000) If cost per kg. Mango is Rs. 100(average cost). Total profit from the revenue is ( Rs. 2,70,000-Rs. 2,00,000)= Rs. 70,000.



Uttar is ranked first in Mango production with a share of 23.58% and the highest productivity in 2021-22.


Mango is the major production farming in Indian Agriculture farming. Besides the delicious taste, excellent flavour and attractive fragrance; it is rich in Vitamin C & E.


Mango fruits are utilized at all stages of their development both in their immature and mature states. Raw mango is used for making chutney, pickles and juice purposes in India. 


The ripe fruits besides being used for dessert are also utilized for preparing several products like squashes, syrups, jams and jellies.


Mango occupies 22% of the total under fruits comprising 1.2 million hectares, with a total production of 11 million tonnes. Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana have having largest area under mango each with 25% of the total area followed by Bihar, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.


The Mango plantation's ideal spacing in the orchard is 10 10 meters. With this distance, 82 trees can be planted per acre. Mango is planted at 3x2meter which accommodates 674 plants per acre.


The total cost of a 1 acre Mango farming Capital cost for the establishment of one-acre mango cultivation is Rs.. 80,000.


9. Broiler Farming:-


Today India is the the fifth largest producer of broiler meat in the world. The annual production of Broiler in India is 2.47 million MT.



Despite this achievement, the per capita availability of Broiler meat is 2.96 kg which is below the ICMR recommendation of 11 kg. Meat per capita per annum.


Total sale value /income from chicken @ Rs.90kg. Rs. 21,60,000. The total profit on the investment is around Rs. 4,44,000. (annually). The sale of other byproducts of the farms like manure and gunny bags can bring in an extra income of around Rs.25000.


Owning a poultry farm can be a lot of, can do a lot of hard work. But it can also be very satisfying Poultry farming has proven already that it can be very profitable.


If there is enough space and knowledge, you can start the poultry farm in your local area with a very small investment. 


In India, Tamil Nadu is the largest poultry farming business in India. Amounting to 12.8 million in 2019. Haryana, Uttar Pradesh West Bengal is the leader in poultry meat production in the country. 


The largest producer of meat in the country is Uttar Pradesh producing 23% of the total meat followed by West Bengal.

If you start layer farming from a small level ( 1500 chickens, then you can earn Rs 50,000 to Rs. 1,00,000 every month. First of all, you have to spend 1-2 Lakh will have to spend on the cage & equipment & Rs. 50,000 for buying chicken.


Poultry farming is one of the fastest-growing and most profitable agribusiness in the current Indian market scenario.


10. Fish Farming:-


Fish is filled with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins such as D and B2. Fish is rich in calcium and phosphorous and a great source of minerals such as zinc, iodine, magnesium, and potassium.



India is the third largest fish-producing country in the world. It accounts for 7.96% of the global production and seconds the largest producer of fish through aquaculture, after China.


Andhra Pradesh is the first coastal aquaculture and freshwater fish production in India. It ranks second in freshwater fish production. In prawn production, Andhra Pradesh contributes nearly 40% of the total marine exports in the country.


Andhra Pradesh recorded the highest production of inland fish (34.50 lakh tons), whereas Gujarat is the leading state in Marine fish (7.01 lakh tonnes) in the country.


The average net income from Catla fish farming is over Rs. 1,00,000 per acre per year. But with proper management net profit can rise up to Rs1,50,000 per annum.


Commercially fish farming has already been shown to be a profitable business enterprise throughout the world.


Fish is the major source of food and protein, it is in high demand and the price of fish and fish-related products is fast rising in tandem with population expansion.



  1. Question:-Which State is the No1 State in  Farming Business in India?

1.Answer:-Uttar Pradesh is India’s top farming state, with considerable state-level crop production including bajara, rice, sugarcane, food grain and many others.


2. Question State in India has many rich Farmers?

2. Answer:- Punjab State in India has many rich Farmers.


3.Question:-Which  farming is best in Future for Profit making?

3. Answer: The Future of Farming uses environmentally controlled agricultural technology to grow crops indoors without the need for traditional agricultural land.


4. Question: Which is most profitable type of agriculture?

4. Answer: Dubbed “ Red Gold”, saffron’s high market value makes it arguably the most profitable agricultural crop.


5. Question Farming is the best in Odisha?

5.Answer:-Odisha is one of the largest producers of rice in India. The other crops cultivated are Jute, oil seeds, pulses, coconut, mesta, tea, rubber, cotton,  gram, mustard, maize, ragi, potato and soybean.




As per the economic survey report over 70% of rural households depend on agriculture. Agriculture farming is a very popular sector of the Indian economy. It contributes about 17% to the total GDP and provides employment to over 60% of the population.


A strong agricultural farming business can bring economy development and social progress by increasing productivity, employment opportunities and income of the people.


The top 10 most profitable farming business ideas that I have discussed above kindly read and give your comments.





About Author

Ajay Kumar Patra is a highly experienced and accomplished accounts and taxation professional with over 27 years of experience in the industry. He is a Post graduate in Commerce (M. Com) from Sambalpur University with First Class and MBA-Finance with First Class from Jaipur National University....
He has worked with several large manufacturing units in India in various capacities. His last portfolio was (G.M) Finance & Accounts in large Steel Manufacturing Industry in Odisha. He Quit his job in the year May-2021.

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He is also a professional content writer and has published over 150 articles on business, finance, startups, e-commerce, and tourism. In 2021.All article you can see in the website
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In addition to his professional work, Ajay is also a passionate content writer. He has published over 150 articles on business, finance, startups, e-commerce, and tourism. His articles are well-researched and informative, and they have been read by millions of people around the world. Ajay is also a regular contributor to several leading publications. He always published his own article in his website
Tax Consultant:
He is also Founder & CEO of own Tax consultancy firm, “Ajay Tax Consultant:, in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Which has been started in the year 2021 with give best services to individuals and Business owner like Income Tax, GST. PAN, DSC, TDS with New company Registration with Insurance facilities to clients of PAN INDIA. You can visit website”” to know more.

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Ajay Kumar Patra is a highly experienced and accomplished accounts and taxation professional with over 27 years of experience in the industry.