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Online Udyam Registration Certificate Download

Udyam Registration Certificate Download


In this article, we will learn more valuable information about the Udyam registration certificate download online. 

In Indian entrepreneurship, the Udyam Registration is a cornerstone, heralding a new era for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises( MSMEs).

Udyam Registration holds paramount importance in the Indian business ecosystem. This initiative not only bestows official recognition but also opens doors to host government benefits and financial assistance.

In the context of India’s economic growth, Udyam Registration becomes a catalyst for empowering small businesses, fostering innovation and contributing significance to the nation’s development.


What is Udyam Registration?

In simple words- The Udyam Registration is a mandatory certification from the Ministry of  MicroTh, Small and Medium Enterprises that MSMEs receive upon signing up on the official government portal.

With an  MSME Udyam Adhar Registration, receive a 12-digit Adam Registration Number  (URN) that can be used to avail of various government subsidies, schemes and incentives.

The Eligibility  Criteria for Udyam Registration:-

To be eligible for the Udyam  Aadhar, enterprises must fit into the classification outlined by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. This is based on their investment ( in plant & Machinery) and turnover. The details of the criteria are as follows.

1.Micro Enteriprises:- In vestment up to Rs1Crore. & Turn over up to Rs. 5 Crore.

2. Small Enterprises:-Investment Rs. 5 Crore to Rs.10 Corore and Turnover from 5 Crore to 10 Crore.

3.Medium Enterprises:-Investment from  Rs.10Crore to Rs.50Crore. and Turn over  Rs. 10 Crore to Rs 250Crore.

Further, the enterprise must be a legal entity operating as an  MSME in the manufacturing or Service sectors. The whole sellers and retailers also apply for this registration.

The following documents are required for Udyam Registrations:-

1. Aadhar number of the Owner.

2. Name of the Organisation

3. PAN Card of the Enterprises

4. GSTIN if Applicable

5. Business Address proof, such as Electricity Bill or Telephone Bills or property Tax receipts

6. Bank Account Details

7. Mobil No of the Authorised Person

8. E-Mail ID of the Business or Authorised Person.



Which Company is not eligible for MSME or Udyam Registrations:-

Companies with an annual Turnover of more than Rs. 250 Crore are considered large organisations. As a result, these companies are not eligible for obtaining Udyam certification.

What are the Steps to Register an MSME  for  Udyam  Registration?

Registering an MSME  to receive Udyam  Aadhar benefits is an easy process that is completely free of cost by the government. It is a very user-friendly government portal and it's a single-window system. Below are the following steps given, if you Register a new enterprise that is yet unregistered as an MSME.

1. On the official  Udyam registration website (https://udyam

2. Select the New entrepreneurs who are not registered yet as MSME or those with EMII Botton.

3. Provide the Aadhar Number and enterprise owner Name on the next page 4. Use the OTP received on the linked mobile number to validate the Aadhar Number.

5. Provide the required enterprise details as prompted, including its name, type, location and PAN. 

6. Fill in the Bank account details such as AccountPle number and IFSC Code.

7. Enter the NIC code and other Necessary details about the main business activity of the enterprises.

8. Verify the details and submit the Application.

You will receive the e-certificate with the 12-digit URN Number and unique QR Code that you can use to verify the  Udyam Registration and access enterprise details.

Keep in mind that the MSME Certificate is Permanent. You will never apply for renewal or re-registration again.

9. Once the registration has been done, a permanent  Identification number and an e-Certificate will be issued.

10. These are respectively identified as  “ Udyam Registration Number

” “ Udyam Registration Certificate’ and “ MSME Certificate”.

Silent Feature of Udyam Registration:-

  1.  Anyone can obtain the Udyam registration for the enterprise.
  • It can be registered through portal(i.e)https:/udyam
  • A Udyam Registration Certificate is necessary to obtain loans from banks and benefits provided under various schemes to MSMEs.
  •  An e-certificate, namely “ Udyam registration Certificate” is issued online upon the completion of the registration process.
  • The certificate has a dynamic  QR Code from which the web page on the portal and details about the enterprise can be accessed.
  •  If anybody intentionally misrepresents or attempts to suppress the self-declared facts and figures appearing in the Udyam registration or updation process shall be liable to such penalty as specified under section 27 of the Micro, 
  •  Small and Medium Enterprises Development(MSMED)Act 2006.
  • No enterprise shall file more than one Udyam Registration.
  • Any number of activities including manufacturing or services or both may be specified or added in one  Registration.
  • The Udyam Registration Certificate that an enterprise is covered under the MSME Category.

Benefits of Udyam Registration in India:-

The MSMEs become eligible for priority sector lending from Banks. Priority sector Lending (PSL) guidelines are issued by the Reserve Bank of India.

RBI has issued guidelines on Priority Sector Lending vide its circular no RBI/FIDD/2020-21/72.Master directions FIDD.CO.Plan BC5/04.09.01/2020-21.Dated 4th Sept2020.

According to this the Categories under the priority section are 1.Agriculture2.Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises3.Export Credit4.Education5.Housing6.Social Infracture7.Renewable Energy8.Others.

As per RBI, the definition of MSMEs will be as per the Government of India, Gazette Notification S.O2119( E) dated 26 th June 2020.

The MSMEs should be engaged in the manufacturing or production of goods, in any manner about any industry specified in the First Schedule to the Industry( Development Regulation) Act 1951 or engaged in providing  or rendering any services 

Licensing approvals and Registration are accessible.

Special consideration is given to International Trade.

The government offers concessions to various bills including electricity bills.

Organisations registered with  Udyam are eligible for the Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme.

Reimbursement of ISO Certification fees.

Protection against late payments or supplied services.

Bank Loans and subsidies and lower rates of Interest.

Direct Tax Law exemptions.

Subsidy on NSIC performance fees and credit rating.

Barcode registration subsidy.

Patent Registration subsidy

MSME Certificate


1. Question: How many MSMEs are there in India in 2023?

1. Answer:- A total of 3,16,05,581 Micro Small and Medium Enterprises ( MSMEs) were registered in India between July 1, 2020, and December 2023.

2. Question:-Which state has the highest number of MSMEs in India?

2.Answer:-Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh collectively contribute nearly 40 per cent of all registered  Micro Small and Medium Enterprises  ( MSMEs) in India as per the report of  CBRE-CRDAI report.

3. Question:- What is the New MSME scheme in 2023?

3. Answer: The MSME Champian scheme has three components. MSME-Sustainable  ( ZED), MSME-Competitive ( LEAN) and MSME-Innovative ( Incubation), Digital  MSME will be linked with all other components of the scheme.

4.Question:-Who is Eligible for MSME?

4.Answer:-An Individual cannot apply for MSME registration. Apropritorship, partnership firm, company trust or society with an investment below Rs. 50 crore and annual turnover below  Rs. 250 Crore are eligible for MSME Registration.

5. Question Controls MSMEs?

5. The Minister of  Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (M/o MSME) is the administrative Minister in the government of India for all matters relating to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.

6.Question:-What is the Employment in the MSME  sector in India?

6. Answer: The  MSME sector has been a significant source of employment in India. As of  August 2023, the  Udyam Registration portal reported that the total number of persons employed in MSMEs registered between July 1, 2020 and August 1, 2023, amounted to an impressive 12,3615,681.

7.Question:-What is the percentage of MSME  in India?

7. Answer: MSMEs account for 27 per cent of India’s  GDP and serve as the backbone of the economy. As of  June 2023, there were  20.09 million MSMEs registered on the  Udyam Portal. Including 19.4 million micro-enterprises and 554000 small enterprises.

As of 04.01.2023, a total number of 65,23,067 were classified consisting of 36,75,597 enterprises registered under the Manufacturing category and 94,18,101 enterprises registered under the service sector.

Udyam Registeration


Udyam Registration emerges as a crucial mechanism for bolstering the Indian business. It not only formalizes the MSME sector but also unlocks a myriad of benefits ranging from financial support to priority in the government’s schemes.

The streamlined registration process enhances ease of doing business, promotes transparency and facilitates access to credit, fostering growth and sustainability.

Udyam Registration catalyzes entrepreneurial empowerment job creation and economic resilience                                                                                                  THANK YOU VERY MUCH  LIKE, COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE MY ARTICLES   


About Author

Ajay Kumar Patra is a highly experienced and accomplished accounts and taxation professional with over 27 years of experience in the industry. He is a Post graduate in Commerce (M. Com) from Sambalpur University with First Class and MBA-Finance with First Class from Jaipur National University....
He has worked with several large manufacturing units in India in various capacities. His last portfolio was (G.M) Finance & Accounts in large Steel Manufacturing Industry in Odisha. He Quit his job in the year May-2021.

Professional Content Writer: -
He is also a professional content writer and has published over 150 articles on business, finance, startups, e-commerce, and tourism. In 2021.All article you can see in the website
Content Writer
In addition to his professional work, Ajay is also a passionate content writer. He has published over 150 articles on business, finance, startups, e-commerce, and tourism. His articles are well-researched and informative, and they have been read by millions of people around the world. Ajay is also a regular contributor to several leading publications. He always published his own article in his website
Tax Consultant:
He is also Founder & CEO of own Tax consultancy firm, “Ajay Tax Consultant:, in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Which has been started in the year 2021 with give best services to individuals and Business owner like Income Tax, GST. PAN, DSC, TDS with New company Registration with Insurance facilities to clients of PAN INDIA. You can visit website”” to know more.

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Ajay Kumar Patra is a highly experienced and accomplished accounts and taxation professional with over 27 years of experience in the industry.